mercredi 29 janvier 2014

Image du Mayo : Keem Srand

As planned yesterday, I made it to Keem Strand on Achill Island this morning a half an hour before sunrise. It was freezing cold with strong winds and no sign of the sun. As I put on the wellies and jacket I realized I had no hat, and having had a severe haircut yesterdayI knew I would miss it. I went down onto the beach and began to work. It occured to me that here I was alone on the wonderful Keem Strand freezing cold but it was better then being stuck in an office. Anyway as I "worked" the beach the sun put in a limited appearance from behind the clouds about 35minutes after sunrise time, and I captured this image. I spent two and a half hours on the beach and was at the far end of the beach when the threatened rain actually hit. As I battled the cold wind and the stinging rain back across the beach towards the car, just for a moment I thought " I wouldn't mind being in a warm office now.

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