mercredi 10 décembre 2014

Mayo earlier

I am posting early today, simply because I got my picture early and am excited to share it with you. We are in the middle of a storm here on the West coast and as I lay in bed this morning I could hear the wind battering the house. I decided I should try and photograph the sunrise with crashing waves etc and it just might be good at that time so dragged myself out and off out. Now I was not going to take any risks so I drove along the coast looking for a suitable spot to get the waves from a safe distance. Sunrise time came and went but the sun could not be seen so I photographed waves. It was very dark though and the pictures were not great. Then at 9.29 exactly, a gap started to appear in the cloud. I had time to change lens on my camera make some adjustments for the extra light, frantically remove a graduated ND from my camera bag fit it to the front of the camera and start shooting. Suddenly the sun broke through and as i shouted "Thank you God" I tried to enjoy the moment but also to keep concentrated on getting the exposures right in the camera, and at the same time just marvel. By 9.32 the sun was again completely hidden from view, and the storm continues!
Eamon's picture 

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