jeudi 1 janvier 2015

The sun setting on 2014

From Eamon
The weather here in Mulranny was pretty horrible most of the day. I went cycling this morning on the greenway and battled the wind and the rain before tumbling off my bike just as I got to Achill. I got a couple of grazes ,but was uninjured apart from my pride of course, and I had to call Trish to bring me back in the car. This evening the poor weather continued and at about 4pm the rain had stopped when I decided I would go out with the camera anyway, not really hoping to get any pictures but to do what photographer Jay Maisel calls " daily visual pushups" I have been doing my daily visual pushups on this blog for five years now, I started the blog as an exercise to improve as a photographer on 31st dec 1999. I did not start on Facebook , but rather on my own website. so five years on I am still doing my Visual pushups almost every day and I have certainly learnt a lot in that time. I was rewarded this evening though because despite the bad weather, I left the house just after 4pm , as I did the sun suddenly appeared, I drove out the coast road, as the sun dropped below the clouds that had rained on us all afternoon, so I picked my location, scampered across the rocks to get into a good position and at 4.22pm took this image!! by 4.24pm the sun was gone, for another year!
Happy New Year!

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