dimanche 26 juillet 2015

News from Mayo : No pilgrimage today

Today, is traditionally called "Reek Sunday" here in Mayo. It is the day of the annual pilgrimage up Croagh Patrick. Up to 20,000 people people could climb on this single day. St Patrick spent time on the mountain and it has been considered holy ever since. Of course it was considered a Holy Mountain for maybe thousands of years before St Patrick and Christianity ever came to Ireland.
But the weather overnight was so bad with wind and rain and the pilgrimage was cancelled!! Apparently this has never happened before. Many people still climbed despite being advised not too, and I believe there were less injuries then in other years because those who did climb were forced to slow down. But anyway I was not one of the brave ones!
But I am posting a picture of the mountain anyway. Many of you will have seen this image before, it was taken about ten years ago on a Nikon D70, it remains one of my favourite pictures of the "Holy Mountain"

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