lundi 31 août 2015

RIP Dr Dyer

"We are not our bodies, our possessions, or our career. Who we are is Divine Love and that
is Infinite." Dr. Wayne W. Dyer ​(1940-2015)

There are people in this world who can touch your heart in really profound and meaningful
ways, and that’s exactly the impact Wayne Dyer had on me.

Wayne W. Dyer, you were one of the most beautiful, most humble and most authentic people
that ever walked on this Earth. And I learned so much from you.

You taught me how to be humble, how to live in love and truth, and how to always honor
who I truly am underneath it all. You taught me how to better than I used to be and I
will always be thankful for this.

Thank you for sharing your love, your knowledge and your wisdom with all of us. The
world was, is, and will be a better place just because you have lived.

You will be greatly missed. 

Rest In Peace Wayne W. Dyer!

Posted by Purpose Fairy via 
but I could say the same 
Thank YOU Wayne . You din't live  or leave in vain 

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