mercredi 2 septembre 2015


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Onions may bring tears to your eyes but the momentary pain they cause is easily outweighed by the fact that they can also help fight against diseases. The bulbous vegetables are grown all over the globe and used in may different ways. They can be eaten alone, added to dishes to increase the flavor, used to clean barbecue grills, and even placed in ears or socks at night to help heal our bodies. You read that last part correct; onions can help fight colds, fevers, and flu-like symptoms.
If you ever have a painful earache try this age old self-healing trick. Grab an onion, cut it open, and take out the central-most portion of it. Place the onion heart in the opening of your ear before you go to sleep and when you wake up you should feel much better. The onion will soften any built up ear wax and make it easier to remove. It also works overnight to naturally and effectively decrease any inflammation in the ear that is causing you pain.

The practice of placing onions on people’s feet can be traced back to ancient Chinese medicine.

The Chinese determined that there are thousands of nerve endings on the bottom of feet which act like access points to internal organs and are closely linked with our nervous systems.

When a cut onion is placed on the underside of the foot it kills germs and bacteria because onions naturally have strong anti-bacterial and anti-viral properties.

 The phosphoric acid, the stuff that’s responsible for making you cry, enters into the bloodstream and helps purify the blood all over your body. In turn, you become healthier and your improved body is better prepared in terms of its ability to fight off infections and inflammation.

Here’s how to do it:

Take an onion, red or white both work, and cut it into flat slices so they can be easily applied to the bottom of your feet. Pull on a pair of socks over the onions to keep them in place overnight, lay back, sleep, wake up, remove the socks, and discard the onions. It’s that simple. As you dream the onion will seep into and through your skin where it works to purify blood and absorb toxins. If you’re worried about having a stinky smelling room, ear, or feet after this, don’t be! The onion’s natural properties also help to purify the air in the room and since it kills bacteria it eliminates the main factor which causes foul smelling feet and gets rid of foot odor.

Putting onions in your socks and ears at night may be just the right thing your body needs. It’s cheap, all natural, and can be done in the comfort of your own home. The benefits reported appear to far outweigh the one negative, which is discomfort from the smell. Give it a try and see if it works, I know I will be doing this tonight. Please share with friends and family, they may find it extremely useful and benefit from it as well!


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