lundi 24 octobre 2016

The Riddle of " An Port " C°Donegal

Image may contain: sky, ocean, cloud, outdoor, water and nature
Port (An Port) County Donegal, Ireland
An angels view over the remains of the "Ghost Village" also known as the ''Deserted Village of An Port". It gained these strange names from the fact that an entire little hamlet of houses just seem to have been abandoned. It is thought that the people who lived there had to leave during The Famine (1845-52) after which the houses were just left to fall into ruin. Of course many people left Donegal and the rest of Ireland during and after the great Famine but Port is unusual in that a whole village or hamlet seem to have left suddenly. A riddle many folk still dwell over to this day....
I captured this during the return descent from a nearby cliff hike along Donegal's Wild Atlantic Way with my drone. The sky started to colour red in front of me & I just needed this shot! but the wind was really strong & I knew landing would be near impossible from up here. As nobody else was around (safety check) I decided to risk it and flew my drone from the top of the cliff regardless the risk of crashing. It was very difficult to stay steady long enough to get a clear photo but finally after a few minutes I captured this very image. I then landed the drone safely below on the waters edge where the winds were weakest, with my heart pounding & my nerves wrecked I hiked down to retrieve it
Share" this Image, to help show off our beautiful country to the rest of the world  :) Thanks

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