jeudi 22 décembre 2016

Solstice à Poulnabrone

John Meyler Photography
19 hrs
Poulnabrone Solstice 21-12-16
Wow so excited to share this with you all ..
Today was the winter solstice and I have been waiting for this day for a long time, Ihave planned this shot for some time now and all I needed was the weather to be kind, while driving to Poulnabrone it was quite cloudy and patchy rain but I kept going ....
When I got there I could not take out my gear due to the rain but I sat and took it all in with my little girl and a nice gentleman that I met.
As soon as 4pm hit I saw the clouds starting to part and all I can say is WOW, what happened next was amazing, the energy from the rocks was immense to me and then witnessing the sun pass through the dolmen just before it set was only what I have been waiting for ...
A few clicks and this is what I got ....

1 commentaire:

  1. Amazing !
    Je reçois cette lumière en plein coeur, au centre de l'âme !
    Magique !
    Merci à John pour la photo, à toi, Anne, pour le transfert !
