mardi 23 janvier 2018

Les Mandalas en nous

  • “A mental mandala is when you acquire knowledge and then teach it to someone else. The other person takes that knowledge, reflects on it, and it becomes a living thing inside of them. They evaluate what they’ve learned, and different concepts start linking together in their head. The knowledge is based on self-reflection. It suddenly connects and you say, “Wow! That makes so much sense.” That is a mental mandala. 
    Every single thing you learn is incomplete. The reason why it’s incomplete is because I’m taking something that’s huge, that’s extremely complex, and trying to simplify it in a minimal amount of time. It should take a year to thoroughly discuss this but it’s being condensed into a moment. In that moment as you begin to understand, it begins to unfold in your mind. It’s like filling a dried sponge with water and watching it expand. That’s what I’m doing. Everything I teach is like a mandala. It grows and unfolds inside of you over time. Then you grasp something and say, “Now I understand what you’re talking about.” Or you look at something and think, “Now that makes more sense. Now I understand.” You’re finally connecting everything you’re learning and it makes more sense. This creates one mandala after another and all of a sudden, there are more mandalas inside of you without me ever saying anything.” -Eric Pepin, Igniting the Sixth Sense

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