mardi 13 février 2018


“Be at peace with yourself. Love how far you have come. Be content with that and you will become your own inner sunshine. Your box will expand and open on its own. When you can be happy and content with the leaps and bounds you have already made, then you will have found the flowers inside. You have found the sunlight. You have found the box. You are ready to move on because you found fluidity. As the karate master said to the karate kid, “Your best karate is still in you.” That is all that you have to remember. There will come a point when you find relaxation in yourself and peace in yourself. Let go of the demand to push forward and not be content with where you are at. As I say this, I fear that you will become seduced by too much peace and not pursue. There must be a perfect blend of both. You must have a high level of pursuit, but in a manner of absolute fluidity and absolute peace in yourself that creates the ultimate warrior.” -Eric Pepin, Silent Awakening

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