samedi 10 février 2018


    • higherbalanceinstitute“We are trying to move humanity forward toward a higher evolution and ensure the preservation of life. However, the world is constantly trying to conform you. This is why you must meditate! It is the best way to maintain your tonal. 
      As your tonal lowers, you will not think of meditating. Everything you have read in this book will slip from your mind and you will only vaguely recall some of what you read. Time is against you and it washes away all the ties to your Navigator. It takes this knowledge from you, whereas meditating helps keep you aware and rouses you from sleep. Meditation helps you remain at a higher level of awareness. 
      Some people start meditating and then wean them- selves off of it. They probably do not realize how much better their life is when they are meditating. Something traumatic happens that stops their maintenance routine and puts them to sleep. They probably do not even realize they fell asleep. 
      The only way you can get out of that sleep is by going back to your mediation practice. If you meditate for twenty minutes, twice a day for about five days, everything will begin to unfurl and start working in your favor. It does not matter how much stress is in your life or how bad it is now. Life mirrors what you do internally, so it becomes externally effective” -Eric Pepin, Handbook of the Navigator

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