jeudi 22 février 2018

Notre personne alitée

“You are not who you think you are. That you already know. You are a part of a greater being, but you don’t know how to find that other part of yourself. You don’t know how that other being thinks because you have a physical body with an organic brain. Your brain takes on many different identities. When you are at work, you have one personality. When you are at home with your family, you have another personality, and when you are out with friends, you have another personality that is separate from the others. These aspects of your personality may be similar to each other or very different. I call each of these individual facets of a person an ‘I’. You have many, many, ‘I’s, and they all play numerous roles. You have to start observing your inner personalities, but you can never remove all of your ‘I’s because they are required to function in this dimension. You can cut down on the number of identities that you have though, and you can empower the ones that serve a higher purpose.” -Eric Pepin, Waking the Immortal Within . higherbalanceinstitute

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