samedi 17 mars 2018

Pré-written ?

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  • higherbalanceinstitute
  • Do you believe that the future is pre-written? Or do you think you have the ability to write your own? How is it possible to predict the future then? ⠀
    If you ever pondered on those questions, Eric has a great way to explain how the future is not pre-written, but it is predictable.⠀
    "A computer holds a lot of data. When you ask a question, it computes the answer for you because it’s been predetermined. Did it know you specifically were going to ask that question? No, the programmer anticipated the fact that somebody might ask it. Was it predetermined to have the answer because it knew that you specifically were going to ask it that particular question at a specific time? No. It knew that particular question was going to be asked sooner or later, so it had the answer ready. The Universe is much more complex, by far. We know from chaos theory that everything is predictable. If you take a super ball and bounce it in a square room, do you know where it is going to land? No, but a computer can calculate a billion different possibilities for the outcome of that situation. It can determine something from this particular point, with this amount of velocity, at this specific point of release, at this specific angle, that you need to take three steps to your right, one forward, put your hand there and wait." -Eric Pepin, Silent Awakening⠀

    "If a young child picks up a full glass of milk and walks away with it, you know there is a very good chance that the glass is going to spill. That is based on your experience of seeing patterns. It is not a prediction written on a computer disk, so that does not mean it is really going to happen. Although it happens in live time, you can use the ability to foresee a probable future. That is what I do. When I pick a frequency from a person, I dial into a system of consciousness that gives me the most likely future outcome for them. Just like the ball that bounces a million times, God can count that high. We think it is impossible to predict something, unless we can accept the fact that God can count that high. Then we can access It to give us the outcome.” -Eric Pepin, Handbook of the Navigator Ver 2.0⠀

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