dimanche 19 août 2018

Immobile : la chanson d'Océane

Oceane Pelloile, fille de Nadine et de Roger : 

The last couple of weeks have been challenging. In my surroundings, I have been witnessing tough dynamics of disorders, sorrow, miscommunications, anger and pain that started to make me feel out of words, out of breathe, and hurt. 
I went to Paris to see my friend last week in order to have a fresh breath of air. As we were driving, windows rolled down, enjoying the smell of summer and the sun warming up my cheeks, he played that song loudly in the car. I started singing, saying out loud all emotions I was keeping inside. I felt alive again. I felt relieved, raw and honest. I just felt myself, I was breathing. 
That's when I remembered.. The only way I communicate clearly is through music, this is how I bring myself back to a smile. A week later, I listen back to this track and wrote this song within minutes. I texted a friend saying "hey I wrote a song for (someone). I guess this is the only way to express how I feel about what is going on and I’d like to make a simple mini video clip to touch them a little more. Would you be keen to help me out with that?" 
He said yes. Two other magical friends of mine supported me in this journey where I was feeling extremely vulnerable. 
We went to a stunning spot, and started thinking about how to record it and what the message through the video should be. 
Tom said “ Let’s start by you singing it once fully, we will record it just to feel it out and we'll see what comes next" 
Nothing came next because that's the take we took and kept. Raw, honest, pure and vulnerable was the only aim for this song. It's not perfect, but it's me. Full me. 
I invite all of us to sit with our emotions. I have been sitting through anxiety, tears and deep pain, listening to them fully. It hurts, oh yes it hurts. But I told myself that true strength is accepting yourself fully with your darkness and your light. Emotions are in movement, they come and go. No matter how much I was feeling alone and lost, life kept on going with or without me in it. I knew I needed to heal myself first and listen to my heart to be the real me, and express my true self.
Throughout the days, I get moments when I feel like crying and it's simply ok. I close my eyes and try to fully surrender to life, to its magic, its yin and its yang. Most of the time I'm extremely enthusiastic, excited, curious and energized, but as a human being I still feel pain, doubts and disappointment and I am learning to be raw and open about it. 
We are human beings , not human doings.
Emotions are powerful, expressing them in whichever shape or form is freeing and it is where most of our creativity starts. You can manifest a lot in your life if only you tune into your power, even if this power sometimes finds its root in our hardest moments.
The minute you start listening, your heart will talk back to you. This is where the sparkle of the fire gets ignited. Use that flame to create and transform yourself. Once you’ve transformed, you can’t go back to the old you. 
With joy and love

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