samedi 20 avril 2019

Alice around 20

Dear Steve,

I appreciate your interest and concern for the preservation of certain Occult historical paraphernalia, symbols or publications. Once these spiritual treasures are lost they may not be retrievable. To enrich the ongoing interest in Alice Bailey's personal history I have added to this post a picture retrieved by Rose Bates who has come across Alice Bailey’s grandson, son of Mildred, one of Alice’s 3 daughters. It is a photograph of a portrait of Alice in her early 20’s the exact date is unknown, it hung on her living room wall for years. There is a deep history he is able to relate, and more never before seen photos will follow. Although her distant relatives live on, he is the last living link we know of who knew and lived with Alice intimately until her death when he was 14 years old.
Duane Carpenter 

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