jeudi 28 novembre 2019

It is thanks giving day

What a sweet thing thankfulness is. It fills
our hearts with love and our minds with
peace; taking us from a state of lack, fear, 
rigidity and anxiety, to a state of flow,
love, abundance, and surrender. 

To be thankful is to be in a state of
knowingness - knowingness that every-
thing  you need is already present in your
life. And knowingness that everything you 
dream of having will be given unto you. 

To be thankful is to acknowledge that 
there is no lack. And that everything you
want and desire is already present in
your world. Therefore, to dwell in a state
of thankfulness is to dwell in a state of
surrender and receivership. 

On this wonderful day, let us give thanks
not only for what is in front of our eyes,
but also for those things, people, places, 
and experiences we know for sure that 
one day will be present in our lives. 

Amongst the many things I am thankful
for this year is being here, writing this 
message and knowing that it will bring
joy to you. 

Happy Thanksgiving, anne.

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