samedi 31 août 2013

A star left our sky

Sadly, SEAMUS HEANEY, our beloved Irish poet, died today in Dublin, aged 74. He was also a playwright, a translator, a lecturer and the recipient of the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature.

Heaney was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature  "for works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth, which exalt everyday miracles and the living past".

"In his last few words, in a text message he wrote to his wife  minutes before he passed away, were in his beloved Latin, and they read: 'Noli timere', don't be afraid."

2 commentaires:

Tarteen a dit…

On oublie la Grande Famine dans ses yeux remplis d'amour que la poésie forge en mots de velours.

Pour "notre" Famous Heaney, se sont ouvertes les portes du jour.*

Je le salue avec mon âme non seulement d'irlandaise mais également de citoyenne du Monde, où le projet de le lire longtemps vient de naître pour toujours.

* Ref. à l'un de ses recueils (Door into the dark)

Quadrifolium a dit…

"I have begun to think of life as a series of ripples widening out from an original center."
Seamus Heaney